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Friday, July 31, 2015

What Was Good To Eat In Camelot

You would be astonished at all you could eat in the Dark Ages.  They knew how to cook over an open flame and in their own ovens better than most of us do today.

They had bake houses that were not in each house but in a separate building.  It was low to the ground the floor was of clay, mostly.  Some flint was used and the thickness was about 15 inches.  They used it mostly to bake breads, but on occasion they would roast or bake other things such as cuts of meat and the like.

The meats that they had were fresh because it was what they could catch that day.  Dried meats and fish were common to the inland parts of the country while they caught fresh seafood on the coastal parts.  Some peasants had chicken and pigs and would use the eggs and eat the chickens and the pigs.  It took lots of land, but some did this.  They would also sell their wares and their foods for other things.  It was a bartering society back then and worked well for them.

Wild Boar, Deer, Rabbit, Pheasants, Sheep, Goats, fish were mostly what they hunted and ate.  So that is the reason peasants would raise pigs as their meat.  They did hint for food and gathered berries and other food during the the year. The lords would have feasts, which fed the people but it was also a political move in that it would show the peasants and other territories or villages the power that they had.  You had to be very careful not to hunt or fish on the Lord's land because if you were caught “stealing” from them your hands would be cut off.

There were many fruits and nuts that they gathered from the land.  Apples, chestnuts, blueberries, capers, turnips, kale and cabbage were standard fare.  The grains that were mostly used in their baked goods were wheat, barley and rye.  Some of them had enough land to grow their own grains, but it was a rare commodity in those days.  Reading about all this I found that they used almonds a lot.  They used them as thickeners for soups and stews and they even used almond milk to drink because not many could afford a dairy cow.  I find it funny that this is all the rage today when in the medieval times it was considered standard whereas today dairy milk is the standard.  They used many types of nuts in their recipes.

Ale was the drink of choice because there was no refrigeration and whatever they drank fresh, from fruits would ferment pretty quickly. They were fine connoisseurs of wine making.  Many fruits and grains were made into Ale, Beers, Wine and the like

How would you like to make things like:

  • Caudell, an ale or frothey wine tyoe drink
  • Roast Pork With Oranges and Onions
  • Hedgehogs Small meat pudding/pies covered with almonds
  • Yalanei Dolmes Rice in Grape leaves

For these and many other recipes that were made in the 5th century and later you can go to the best recipe database there is on the net: Original Medieval Recipes  Have fun trying to cook the way they did back in medieval times.  All the recipes are written with the original game and vegetables they would have used.  You will not find modern day bovine or any of the kind of meat there that we have today. Some have been translated from the language of that time period to modern day for you.  Have fun there!

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